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View Legal specialises in all forms of adviser education and collaborative learning.
We are fortunate to regularly present to accountants, financial planners, other lawyers and risk advisers.
Our programs are tailored to meet your specific requirements and can be delivered in lengths ranging from 20 minute web-based updates to 5 day in-house courses (and every permutation in between) and formats including in person, webinar and video streaming. Our most popular sessions tend to be 90 minute team trainings, which can be recorded for future use.
Matthew Burgess has been recognised as a thought leader in delivery of professional service solutions by peers, industry commentators and competitors. He regularly presents keynotes in this area as well as coordinating and facilitating firm retreats and training programs.Indeed, Matthew is the only practising lawyer in Australia who is a Certified Speaking Professional (CSP), a designation conferred by the Professional Speakers Australia (PSA), the industry’s leading organisation. The CSP is likewise the speaking profession’s international measure of professional platform competence.
Matthew is counted among the rare 12 percent of professional speakers worldwide who currently hold the CSP credential.
Learn more about Matthew’s business model presentations here –
Learn more about the 3 business books Matthew has written here –
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