Matthew Burgess

Many observers are predicting that the changes to the professional services industries over the next 3 years will be unprecedented.

A ‘perfect storm’ across issues such as digital disruption, de-leveraging and new entrants mean that the only certainty will be change.

The key question for every professional is–what do we do?

This question should be asked in the context that the answer has already crystallised for many.

‘The future is here, it is just not evenly distributed'

- William Gibson

Matthew can deliver on a range of critical topics as a keynote speaker, half day and full day programs as well as hosting and facilitating planning retreats.

With over 20 years of experience assisting businesses in his legal specialisation, in more recent years Matthew has been acknowledged for this groundbreaking innovations in the delivery of intergrated legal services.

Overview of most popular topics

Is it the end of the world as we know it?

  • Disruptive innovation and ultra-specialisation equals the perfect storm;
  • How the new entrants are playing only to win;
  • Why the time is now;
  • Keeping it simple–evolve or exit;
  • Introduction to the ‘3 P’s’ (process, product and pricing).

Perspectives on specialisation

  • Two theories of professional service firm profitability;
  • Positioning your firm for the new normal;
  • Firm and personal brand alignment;
  • Channel selection;
  • Positioning interplays.


  • Outsourcing models explained;
  • Onshore vs. offshore;
  • Captive vs. service provider;
  • Legal vs. business platforms.


  • Where to start today;
  • Off the shelf or bespoke or both;
  • Positioning – it is all about the brand;
  • Distribution and monetisation.

Pricing Models

  • Time billing – past its use by date;
  • Fixed pricing – a step in the right direction;
  • Burning the timesheet – what is the substitute;
  • Value pricing in practice.

Case Study – The Firm of the Future Now

  • Deconstructing the framework;
  • Success stories;
  • The fails;
  • Your questions answered.
Other topics can be developed collaboratively to meet the key learning objectives

CPD points

All of the content from Matthew’s topics are designed specifically for professional service firms. The material is either accredited by organisations such as the FPA or otherwise designed to count towards yearly CPD requirements.

Securing your opportunity for insight

To learn how to secure access to Matthew’s insights
Email – [email protected]
Phone –1300 843 900

All pricing is provided once a scope of work is agreed.

All pricing is fixed and service guaranteed.

Learn more now

While technology is playing an integral role in driving change across the professions, the reality for industries such as financial planning, accounting and the law is that the technology is only ever an enabler.

The cause of the cannibalisation of the business model for incumbent firms is the complete abandonment of heritage thinking.

This means that the very things that make an incumbent, dominant market leader strong can in fact be their greatest weaknesses when facing a new solution provider who does not play by the rules.

To learn more about what this means for all professional service providers, download your free copy of the white paper by Matthew Burgess ‘It’s the end of the professions as we know them (and I feel fine)’ –

Other resources

The Dream Enabler series of business books are used as the inspiration for much of the content of Matthew’s presentations.

The ‘white book’ is a 60,000 word business book that shares many of the key learnings Matthew has been fortunate to discover while having unprecedented access to some of Australia’s most successful people.
The ‘black book’ provides a framework to explore and achieve momentum in relation to each of the key concepts, leveraging the foundations explained in detail in the white book.
The ‘orange book’ shares the inspiration that was leveraged to write ‘white book’ and formed the business plan for the founding of View Legal.
This release, 101 Tips for Staying Young and Foolish, is a further iteration in the Dream Enabler Series. It succinctly captures each of the 101 lessons explored in the Orange Book.

For those who prefer web-based learning all Matthew’s business disruption topics can be presented virtually.

There is also a separate webinar series titled ‘Foundations for the Future’ – to learn more, click here

About your host

Matthew Burgess founded specialist law firm View in 2014.
For the previous 17 years, he was a lawyer and partner of one of Australia’s leading independent law firms and in 2002 was one of the firm’s youngest ever partner appointments.

In part leveraging off the skills he has developed in strategically advising a range of extremely successful businesses, Matthew Burgess has been the catalyst in developing a number of innovative legal solutions; including establishing what is widely regarded as Australia’s first virtual law firm.

Building on the lessons Matthew has taken while personally advising a significant percentage of the members of Australia’s unofficial ‘Rich List’ for the last decade, Matthew wrote the ‘The Dream Enabler’ business book series. The principles explained in this book were applied in founding View.

Among other awards, Matthew has historically been named on the prestigious Legal Innovation Index announced by LexisNexis and Janders Dean.

Matthew has been recognised as a thought leader in this area by peers, industry commentators and competitors. Matthew is in a unique position to deliver credible business remodelling insights to other professional service providers, partly due to the fact that he is the only practising lawyer in Australia who is a Certified Speaking Professional (CSP). This is a designation conferred by the Professional Speakers Australia (PSA), the industry’s leading organisation. The CSP is likewise the speaking profession’s international measure of professional platform competence.

Matthew is counted among the rare 12 percent of professional speakers worldwide who currently hold this credential.