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Post Death Testamentary Trusts Workbook

$29.95 inc. GST

Many specialist advisers have business plans that consist of one word – ‘trusts’.

A significant reason for this is the myriad of seemingly never ending problems with trust deeds.

This Workbook complements other View trust related publications, particularly ’40 Forms of Trusts’ and ‘Trust Horror Stories’, and explores all key aspects of the main types of post death testamentary trusts.

The Workbook provides detailed analysis of the following structures:

  1. Estate Proceeds Trusts, both surviving spouse and beneficiary funded
  2. Superannuation Proceeds Trusts, both will and inter vivos created
  3. Child Maintenance Trusts
  4. Special Disability Trusts
  5. Court Ordered Wills
SKU PDTTW Category