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The Seven Foundations of Business Succession (5th edition)

$80.00$135.00 inc. GST

As the amount of intergenerational wealth transfer continues to increase rapidly, so does the importance of all forms of succession planning. In the SME space, appropriately crafted business succession plans are particularly critical.

The Seven Foundations of Business Succession is a comprehensive reference source for any adviser wanting to deliver client focused solutions in the area.

A unique and generous use of diagrams combined with practical tips and example clauses help to ensure the book is user friendly. The book also has comprehensive references to legislation and related materials to address all fundamental aspects of the business succession process.

Specific topics addressed include:

  1. Buy-sell agreements generally
  2. Self insurance
  3. Hybrid arrangements
  4. Superannuation ownership
  5. Cross-owned insurance
  6. Trust owned insurance
  7. Specific tax issues surrounding policy ownership
  8. Stakeholder agreements
  9. Directors’ duties
  10. Company restructures
  11. Unit trust restructures (discretionary trust restructures are considered in the View publication in conjunction with LexisNexis, namely ‘The Six Foundations of the Taxation of Trusts’)
SKU BBS23 Category