#23 – A 2016 Pricing Master Class with Ron Baker

This is a podcast of the webinar ‘2016 Pricing Master Class with Ron Baker’ held on 7 September 2016.

In Australia for the first time in 3 years, the founder of VeraSage Institute (the leading think tank dedicated to educating professionals internationally), Ron Baker delivered an interactive 90-minute session.

The webinar explored how accounting and financial planning firms are embracing a superior business model: selling intellectual capital; not time.

In a discussion facilitated by Matthew Burgess, no questions were off limits as Ron Baker, using numerous case study examples –

  1. explains how value pricing delivers enormous competitive advantages
  2. demystifies the number one driver of profitability in professional service firms
  3. explores what you can implement immediately to begin ‘pricing on purpose’
  4. provides a deep analysis of his ‘Eight Steps to implementing Value Pricing’
  5. analyses the arguments against ‘burning the timesheet’

Picture of Dyan Burgess

Dyan Burgess

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