#90 – Timeless questions … about going timeless

Many observers are predicting that the impending changes to the professional services industries will be unprecedented.

A ‘perfect storm’ across issues such as digital disruption, de-leveraging and new entrants mean that the only certainty will be change.

The key question for every professional is – what do we do?

The perennial questions for many are centred around how to charge for the services delivered.

While there have always been risks with charging by the hour, those risks may become catastrophic as alternative advice solutions continue to rise in acceptance

Timeless professional service firms appear to continue to thrive, and in this webinar Team View use story sharing to answer the ‘timeless questions about going timeless ‘ – 2 chargeable units (times 1 year; AKA 12 years) after first abandoning timesheets back in 2012, including:

  1. How do you know if team members are working?
  2. How do you know if you are making money?
  3. What metrics are used instead of hours recorded and recovered?
  4. What if clients demand a time print out or itemised account?
  5. What about areas such as transactional work and litigation – surely they can’t be fixed priced?
  6. Where do we start?
  7. Should we still keep recording time, just in case?


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Reminder to View Community members – join us in the FaceBook group for a deeper conversation about this topic and how you can leverage your learnings for your customers.

Not a member? Learn about View’s online mastermind communities below to see which one (or three) suits the needs of you and your business.

Techniview: For advisers working in holistic estate planning (including trusts, asset protection, superannuation, tax and business succession) 

Adviewser: For advisers wanting to facilitate legal solutions for their customers in holistic Estate Planning 

Viewruption: For professional service providers wanting to iterate their business model (including abandoning timesheets)

Related articles and resources:

PODCAST: #60 The 3 P’s Unbundled: Productisation, Positioning and Pricing 

PODCAST: #42 – Unbundling the Pricing Debate (& how to actually trash your timesheet) 


Listen to View’s previous episodes here. 

Picture of Dyan Burgess

Dyan Burgess

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